Detect AI-Written Text Instantly with AI Detector AI detector scans content in seconds to identify text generated by ChatGPT, GPT-3, Bard and other AI models. The perfect plagiarism checker for schools, publishers & businesses.

With advanced AI models like ChatGPT producing remarkably human-like text, educators, publishers and businesses need a reliable tool to identify AI-generated content.

That's why created the most accurate free AI detector available. Our deep learning model scans submissions in seconds to flag text written by ChatGPT, GPT-3, Google Bard, Claude and other AI systems.

Bye bye to worrying about AI plagiarism! Our detector helps educators, writers and professionals ensure content originality and zero deception.

How AI Detector Works?

Our advanced natural language model analyzes textual patterns, coherence, logic jumps and other markers to accurately determine if text was written by an AI system like ChatGPT or GPT-3 versus a human.

Key features:

  • Scans small snippets or long-form text:

    Our detector works for text of any length, from a few sentences to entire research papers or articles. Just copy/paste or upload your document.
  • Identifies text from ChatGPT, GPT-3, Google Bard & more:

    Our advanced model is trained to detect the unique textual patterns of the most popular AI systems like ChatGPT, GPT-3, Google's Bard and more emerging models. We are continuously updating to identify new AI systems.
  • Over 96% accuracy based on our ongoing model training:

    By training our natural language model on millions of AI-generated text examples, we can identify AI content with over 96% accuracy - far better than the human eye alone. We continually refine the model as needed.
  • Provides match percentage to indicate AI content likelihood:

    Our detector does not just provide a yes/no flag. It gives a match percentage (e.g. 86% match) to indicate the probability the text matches a particular AI system, allowing for human judgment.
  • Completely free unlimited use without any login:

    There are absolutely no limits, strings attached or need to login. Our detector is 100% free to use as needed to check student papers, articles, business content and more.
  • Fast and easy-to-use web interface:

    Our tool is designed for anyone to use. Just copy/paste the text you want to analyze into our simple web form and get near-instant results.
  • Catches AI plagiarism and deception:

    By detecting text generated by ChatGPT and other AI, our tool catches plagiarized content and deceitful attempts to pass off AI writing as original human work.
  • Ensures content originality:

    Schools, publishers, companies and writers can verify human authorship of content and maintain integrity by screening for AI-generated text.
  • Protects integrity for publishers:

    Publishers such as newspapers and journals can scan submissions to verify original human authorship, preventing AI content from jeopardizing their reputations.
  • Upholds academic honesty:

    Educators can scan student papers and assignments for AI writing, upholding academic integrity and honesty standards.
  • Allows writers to verify their own work:

    Bloggers, authors and writers can validate their own original work by self-screening for any unintentional AI matches.

Our AI detector is continuously trained on the latest natural language models to stay up-to-date as the technology evolves. We're committed to helping restore trust by empowering anyone to immediately verify if text was actually written by a human or cunningly crafted by an AI model.

Cut through the confusion! Try our free AI detector today and identify AI content in seconds!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this AI detector free to use?

Yes, our AI text detector is completely free to use with no limits on usage or required registration.

What AI models can it detect?

It detects text generated by ChatGPT, GPT-3, Google's Bard, Claude, and other emerging AI text models. We continuously update it to identify new systems.

How accurate is it?

Our tool can identify AI-generated text with over 96% accuracy by analyzing writing patterns. We continually refine the model.

Can it scan long texts?

Yes, our detector works for text snippets or long-form content like articles, papers, and documents.

How are match percentages calculated?

They indicate the probability text matches patterns from a specific AI system. Higher percentages signal higher confidence the text was AI-generated.

What do I need to use the tool?

Just an internet connection! Our web-based tool requires no downloads or installation. Just copy/paste text to scan.

Is it suitable for academic use?

Yes, our tool can help uphold academic integrity and honesty by detecting AI content in student submissions.